


By accessing the website and its pages, the visitor accepts the conditions described below. Otherwise, when these conditions are partially or globally not accepted, the visitor or user is kindly invited to not proceed surfing this web-site. Dal Dosso S.r.l. reserves the right to revise the “Terms of use” in any time with no notice, and it makes sure to update this page as soon as possible.


Dal Dosso S.r.l
Fraz. Barbero 45, 13832 Pratrivero (Biella)


In Italy copyright is protected by Law No. 633 of April 22, 1941, and its further revisions. The whole content of (texts, images, videos, sounds, plans, etc., shape and presentation methods included) are exclusive property of Dal Dosso S.r.l. and/or of the people who furnish the contents, or it is free material because its copyright is expired. The website content can be freely used only for consultation and browsing. Any kind of alternative use, above all copy, redoubling, sale, transfer to third parties or any commercial use of the website’s content is permitted only by written authorization of Dal Dosso S.r.l. Despite Dal Dosso S.r.l.’s attention to avoid any violation of the law, above all violation of copyright and privacy laws, it can happen that the Visitor notices a violation of the website content: in this case he/she is invited to notify the violation to Dal Dosso S.r.l. who will take action to regularize or to delete the subject of the violation.


Informative note pursuant to Art.13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 “Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali” (Personal Data Protection Code or “Privacy Code”) referring to the website

The website is a publicity website that does not require the keying in and it does not acquire any personal detail. However it allows the (optional and voluntary) dispatch of e-mails to the address written on the contact page. In this case the user’s address will be acquired in order to reply to the request received.


The website is available in Italian. During the process of translation into other languages some variances may occur. For this reason Dal Dosso S.r.l. declines any responsibility for published data. As far as use conditions are concerned, when variances between versions occur, the Italian version prevails as it is the language we are subject to.


Dal Dosso S.r.l. is not responsible for the websites connected to that are present in order to integrate the given information. The access to these websites from Users is under their responsibility.


Cookies are small pieces of code set up on the browser that assist the Holder in the distribution of the service based on the described purpose. Some of the installation purposes of cookies may also need the user’s approval.

Technical cookies and aggregated statistics cookies

– Activities which are strictly necessary for operations

This application uses cookies to save the user’s session and to carry out other activities which are strictly necessary to its functioning, such as those related to the traffic balancing.

– Activities of personal setting, optimization and statistics

This application uses cookies to save personal setting and to optimize the user’s web surfing experience. Among these cookies there are for instance those to set language and currency or to
allow the Holder to manage the statistics.

Other kind of cookies or third parties that may use them

Some of the services listed below group aggregated statistics and may not need the User’s approval or they may be managed directly from the Holder – depending on what is described – without the assistance of a third party.

In case there are services managed by a third party among the tools listed below, these services – added to what has been specified and even unbeknown to the Holder – may track the user. For
further information we recommend to consult the privacy policy of the listed services.


These services help to interact with social network or extended platforms directly from the application pages. The interactions and the information acquired from this Application are in any case subject to the user’s privacy settings which are related to each social network. When a service of interaction with social network is installed, it is possible that the service collects traffic data concerning the pages in which it is installed, even when the users do not use the service.

Tweet key and Twitter social widgets (Twitter)
Tweet key and social Twitter widgets are services that interact with the social network Twitter, supplied by Twitter Inc.
Collected personal data: Cookie and application data.
Treatment place: USA -Privacy Policy

I like key and Facebook social widget (Facebook, Inc.)
The I like key and Facebook social widget are services that interact with the social network Facebook, supplied by Facebook Inc.
Collected personal data: Cookie and application data.
Treatment place: USA – Privacy Policy

+1 key and Google+ social widget (Google)
+1 key and Google+ social widget are services that interact with the social network Google, supplied by Google Inc.
Collected personal data: Cookie and application data.
Treatment place: USA -Privacy Policy

key and Pinterest social widget (Pinterest)
The key and Pinterest social widget are services that interact with the social network Pinterest, supplied by Pinterest.
Collected personal data: Cookie and application data.
Treatment place: USA – Privacy Policy

key and Linkedln social widget (Linkedln Corp.)
The key and Linkedln social widget are services that interact with the social network Linkedln, supplied by Linkedln.
Treatment place: USA – Privacy Policy.

key and Instagram social widget (Instagram)
The key and Instagram social widget are services that interact with the social network Instagram, supplied by Instagram.
Treatment place: USA – Privacy Policy


The services contained in this section allow the Treatment Holder to supervise and analyze the traffic data. They are also useful to track the user’s conduct.


Google Analytics is an analysis web service supplied by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google uses collected personal details in order to trace and analyze this Application use, to fill in reports and to share them with other services developed by Google.
Google may use personal details in order to contextualize and personalize one’s own network notices.
Collected personal data: Cookie and application data.
Treatment place: USA -Privacy Policy – Opt Out


This website uses the monitoring and analysis service ShinyStat supplied by Shiny srl. ShinyStat service allow to observe the visitor’s flow without the use of tools that can personally identify the Visitors. The collected information are: the origin country, the browser’s characteristics and the operating system that the Visitor uses, etc. It is not possible to go back to the visitor’s identity, as collections of data are realized in real time by using cookies and by memorizing data in joined form on Shiny srl’s servers. The collection and the processing of data, in a completely anonymous way, has the only purpose to give Dal Dosso S.r.l. information about the Visitor’s interest concerning the website and generally to underline the Visitor’s behavior changes.
Collected personal data: Cookie and application data.
Treatment place: ITALY –


Wordfence Feedjit Inc.
Wordfence Security is a safety plugin that includes firewall, antivirus scan, real time scan with geolocation. It implements a real time traffic scan to check on malware and potential attacks to the website.
Collected personal data: Cookie and application data.
Treatment place: USA – Privacy Policy


This web-site is developed on WordPress platform that uses technical cookies in order to protect
the user’s surfing.
Collected personal data: Cookie and application data.

Treatment place: USA –


Google Maps is a service that pictures maps and it is managed by Google Inc. It helps this application to complete these contents within its pages.
Collected personal data: Cookie and user’s geolocation.
Treatment place: USA – e


Google Fonts is a letter style visualization service managed by Google Inc. It permits this application to complete this contents inside its pages.
Collected personal data: Cookie and application data.

Treatment place: USA –


Personal Details.

A personal detail is any information regarding the natural person who can be identified or identifiable even indirectly by means of reference to any other information, also to the personal identification number.

Application Data.

These information are automatically gathered from this Application (or from the third parties’ application that this Application uses). Among these information there are: IP addresses or the domain name system of the computer used by the Visitor who logs in with this Application, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses, the request time, the way used to send the server the request, the size of the file received as an answer, the number code that states the answer status from the server (positive ending, error, etc.), the origin country, the features of the browser and of the operating system used by the Visitor, the visit time features (such as the permanence on each page) and the details concerning the itinerary inside the Application, with specific reference to the sequence of the visited pages, to the parameters concerning the operating system and the User’s computer environment.

The User.

The User is the person who uses this Application. He/she must be the concerned person or someone authorized by the concerned person and his/her personal details are subject to processing.

The concerned person.

The natural person or the legal subject whose personal details refer to.

Processing Manager (or Manager).

The natural person, the legal person, the public administration or any other authority appointed by the owner for Personal Details Treatment, according to what has been decreed in the current privacy policy.

Processing Holder (or Holder).

The natural person, the legal person, the public administration or any other authority that are responsible (even together with the Holder) for decisions concerning purpose, personal details treatment, tool used, security profile included, all related to the use and functioning of this application. The processing Holder is the owner of this Application, except for what is differently specified.

This Application.

The hardware or software tool through which Users’ personal details are gathered.

Legal Context.

Notice for European users: this privacy policy is written in fulfillment of obligations provided by Art.10 of the Directive No. 95/467EC., and also by Directive 2009/136/CE, all referred to cookies.
This privacy policy concerns only this Application.


Added to what is described in this document, the User can handle the preferences concerning cookies directly from the inside of his browser and prevent – for instance – third parties from installing some. Through the browser preferences it is also possible to delete the cookies that have been installed in the past, as well as the cookies in which the consent for the installation can be saved from this web-site. It is important to notice that by disabling all the cookies the functioning of this web-site can be compromised. The User can find information on how to handle cookies in his browser on the following addresses: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Opera and Microsoft Windows Explorer.

In case of services distributed by third parties, the user can also exercise his right to take position against the tracking process by informing himself through the privacy policy of the third party, through the opt out link when it is clearly furnished or by contacting it directly. Considering what we have said, the Holder informs that the User can take advantage of Your Online Choices. Through this service it is possible to handle the tracking preferences of most of the advertising material. For this reason the holder suggests the User to use such resource added to the information given in this document.

Data Processing Holder

Since the installation of cookies and of the other tracking systems made by third parties through the services used inside this Application cannot be technically controlled by the Holder, each specific reference to cookies and tracking systems installed by third parties is to be considered indicating. In order to get complete information you can refer to the third parties’ privacy policy that are listed in this document.

As far as the real complexity regarding the identification of technologies based on cookies and their strict interaction with the web use is concerned, the User is invited to get in touch with the Holder when he would like to get some follow-up concerning the use of cookies and their use through this web-site – for instance by third parties.

Restriction of responsibility

Even though the website is realized and maintained diligently, Dal Dosso S.r.l. does not assume the responsibility for any damage derived from the use of the information described and it does not guarantee their validity, as the updating time of the website is not immediate. The User is invited to get in touch with Dal Dosso S.r.l. in order to check any information of interest.